Häälestu külluse lainele / Attune to Abundance seminar Suvi Bowellani juhendusel
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2015 Jan 31 Sat 10:00
2015 Jan 31 Sat 19:00
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Seminar: Häälestu külluse lainele/ Attune to Abundance
Clear your blocks to success in life and business
One-day seminar by Suvi Bowellan
Tallinn Meriton Grand Conference & Spa Hotel 


This seminar is not a traditional business seminar – it's a consciousness upgrade. I've put together years of personal experience and what I have learnt though amazing teachers to give you tools and the understanding how you can start making a shift from struggle to flow.

You've probably heard that thoughts become our reality. It's not only the way we think that affects our reality, but the unconscious beliefs and underlying emotions that determine what we get to experience in life. To put it in another way, our outer reality mirrors our inner environment: your resonance equals what you get. Maybe you're highly educated and you've read all the right books, attended a number of classes and tried to apply all this acquired knowledge to your life and work. In some areas you have had good results and in others there's not much happening. Why is this?

In the areas where you have been successful you most likely have a belief system that supports you. You feel confident, your inner dialogue is positive and you seem to attract just the right opportunities and people to help you along the way. In another area, your resonance is not as supportive and coherent. You might engage in negative self-talk that makes you feel less confident. Maybe you hope that you will succeed, but in the core of your being you don't really believe it. In one way or another you keep sabotaging yourself.

How can you then change the things that are causing self-sabotage, being stuck and feeling dissatisfied, even anxious? There are ways to upgrade your inner operating system, thus creating a different personal frequency. By identifying and changing your limiting beliefs and turning down the volume on negative and harmful emotions, you get to experience a different kind of reality than before. You get to step out of the confines of your limited thinking to see new possibilities and take action on those possibilities.


In this seminar you'll learn:

  • Why people fail and what to do about it
  • Where your beliefs come from
  • How to identify hidden programs that cause sabotage
  • How to start changing them
  • How to experience more positive emotions
  • How to connect with the real you to get into the flow of life
  • How to systematically make the law of attraction work in your favor
  • How to use your intuition as a guiding system
  • How harnessing your sexual life force energy makes you a money magnet
  • Want to find out more? 

Note: The seminar will be held in English.
time: 10.00-19.00
Seminar fee: 99 eur or 159 eur/2 person

Registration: Tiia Lõoke email: tiia@voog.ee, ph.+372 5178313, www.voog.ee
Suvi Bowellan teach also TheataHealing Basic course 13-15th February in Tallinn
Seminar: Häälestu külluse lainele
Aeg: koolitus jääb ära jaanuaris ja toimub 11 aprillil
Koht: Meriton Grand Conference & Spa Hotel, Paldiski mnt 4, Tallinn
Teetatervenduse õpetaja ja vaimne treener Suvi Bowellan tuleb Tallinna pidama ühepäevast külluseseminari. Seminaris käsitletakse manifesteerimise aluseid ja õnnestumise saladusi. Päeva jooksul tehakse rohkesti harjutusi, mis aitavad sind ära tunda ja vabaneda blokeeringutest, et võiksid kergemini tuua oma ellu küllust ja heaolu.
Seminaris "Häälestu külluse lainele" õpid järgmisi asju:
• Ebaõnnestumise tüüpilised põhjused ja mida nende vältimiseks ette võtta
• Kust on pärit sinu uskumused
• Kuidas avastada piiravad uskumused ja kuidas neid muuta
• Kuidas vabastada ennast negatiivsete tundereaktsioonide püünisest
• Kuidas rohkem oma ellu tuua flow-kogemusi
• Kuidas lasta armastusel endas voolata nii, et saaksid üha rohkem kogeda küllust
• Kuidas süsteemselt kasutada enda huvides külgetõmbeseadust

NB! Seminar toimub inglise keeles!

Hind: 99 eur/in või 159 eur/2 in
Registreerimine: tiia@voog.ee, tel.5178313

Suvi juhendab ka Teeta tervendamise baaskursust 13-15 veebruaril Tallinnas, baaskursus on tõlkega eesti keelde.

NB! Teeta baaskursus ja jätkukursus toimuvad!


